16 November 2020



Week beginning 5th July 2020

Hello everyone,

There are now lots of shops and holiday places open all over England, including Lynton & Lynmouth. Which brings more people out and about. You may even be looking forward to shopping or going on holiday yourself.

So how are you feeling today? Does any of this cause you to feel some level of anxiety? I know for some of you who are shielding this may well be the case.

As you know Living Waters Lynton will not open until mid-September at the earliest. So I will continue on with my weekly emails in the hope they are of some help for you.

I am reminded of the psalmist in Psalm 74 who perceives that God is far away and that the enemies of Israel are running amuck and “winning”. He calls out to God…

How long, O God, will you allow your enemies to insult you?”(74:10)

And yet even though all is awry and apparently lost, he still praises the Lord and repeats the truths he has come to know about God.

You, O God are my King from ages past ….”(74:13)

You split the sea by your strength…” (74:14)

You caused the springs and streams to gush forth…” (74:15)

Both day and night belong to you; you made the starlight and the sun. You set the boundaries of the earth, and you made both summer and winter.” (74:16-17)

When we are feeling any negative emotions, we can do the same. Whether we are anxious, angry, frightened, fearful, scared, worried; we canturn to the Lordand tell Him how we are feeling and why we think we are feeling that way. Take some time to reflect on andexpress those thoughts.

It is important that even while we are still feeling those emotions that we move on from those emotions and begin to express ourpraisefor what he has done, for those things he has promised, for who He is. Again and again this pattern is visible in the psalms. Both David and Asaph use this style. There is nothing wrong in expressing our emotions. Even when we are feeling the negative ones, we still need to express our praise of God and all that he has done and promised.

Then the next step isBeing thankful.

Psalm 75 starts…

We thank you, O God! We give thanks because you are near.” (75:1)

What can you be thankful for, genuinely thank for?

Maybe you are thankful that you are sheltered and safe at home? Maybe you are thankful for the opportunity for regular walks?

Maybe you are thankful for a Health Service that can meet your needs and requirements?

Maybe you are thankful for something else…

Similarly in this psalm the psalmist rants about the enemies of the Lord and by the time we get to verse 9, he makes a very strong and bold statement…

But as for me, I will always proclaim what God has done; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.” (75:9)

“But as for me…”

How can you finish off this sentence? What truths are you relying on? What can you proclaim about the Lord today?

Do consider writing down your thoughts and maybe sharing them with someone else, or you can email them to me and I would be delighted to read them.

Jesus said

“Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.”Matt:11:28-30

This week’s YouTube worship songs and other thoughts are available here:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHnJn7EgQjAwW2JtcXAxtBtp0KMraFlwN

Now more than ever, we need to remember that the church is not the building but the people – we are the people of God, his family, and no amount of building closures can prevent the church from being who God intended us to be. God, not the church building is our focus and reason for being, and even in lockdown, in essence he is calling us back to our roots!

May you know and experience the love of the Lord,

May you proclaim all that the Lord has done,

May you know his promises to you

May you be thankful

Many Blessings


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