Week beginning 20th April 2020
Hello everyone
So what to write about this week??
Well, like you I’m sure, life chugs along slowly and one day feels rather like another. Last weekend was particularly difficult, in that we were unable to celebrate the Risen Lord Jesus together.
Psalm 18:46 says:
“The Lord lives!
Praise to my Rock!
May the God of my Salvation be exalted!”
Jesus our King is to be praised and exalted, just because He is.
He lives inside me and without me; He lives in you.
He is my Rock –
Do I believe that today despite my circumstances?
Do you believe that today despite your circumstances?
And then the Psalmist says in verse 49:
“For this, O Lord, I will praise you among the nations; I will sing praises to your name.”
That got me thinking and asking myself the question, “What can we give thanks and praise for today, and daily?”
Part of the Peaced Together course the ladies completed focused on gratitude. I had “forgotten” to use it. So, prompted by a friend on Facebook, I have started using a daily Gratitude app on my phone, which prompts me to write down something each day that I am grateful for.
This week I have written of the things I am grateful for;
That Jesus was willing to die on the cross for me, and that he rose from the grave and has beaten death
For starting to decorate our bedroom
For a lovely walk along Lynway and then a wonderful conversation with Renee as we passed her home
For a good paint colour
For beautiful countryside we live and walk in
What can you be thankful for each day?
Easter Sunday was a very low day for me, when I realised that the prevailing culture is so far away from any acceptance of a personal faith or recognition of a God who loves.
Psalm 19:1-3:
“The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display his craftsmanship.
Day after day they continue to speak;
Night after night they make him known.
They speak without a sound or word;
Their voice is never heard.”
Even though our culture may turn away from God, the Heavens and skies declare the glory of God.
Psalm 22 - David gave an amazingly accurate description of the suffering that Jesus would endure hundreds of years later. David was obviously enduring some great trial, but through his suffering, he, like the Messiah to come, gained victory.
Jesus quoted this verse while hanging on the cross carrying our burden of sin (Mt 27:46) It was not a cry of doubt, but an urgent appeal to God: “My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?”
David, despite his circumstances was still able to say, “Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.”
Further reading about Jesus, the Messiah, in Psalm 22:
Ps 22:1-21 The Messiah will experience agony on the cross (Mt 26 & 27)
Ps 22:15 The Messiah will thirst while on the cross (Jn 19:28)
Ps 22:18 Evil men will throw dice for his clothing (Mt 27:35, Jn 19:23-24)
Our big question is:
How do we respond to the apparent absence of God in our world?
Psalm 22 assures us that God is present and working for the good purposes for which he created us and the world. The overriding call of this psalm is for us to persevere in faithful reliance on God, precisely when he seems most distant.
On Easter Sunday morning Roger and I watched the beautiful service that Simon Holland and his team conduct from The Garden Tomb. I can see that a few of you have clicked on the links I sent out last week. Can I encourage you to go back to their Facebook page "The Garden Tomb" https://www.facebook.com/gardentomb
Simon and Anne Holland have published another couple of videos (follow the link and scroll down the left hand side of the page to "Videos").
This weeks youtube playlist is here:
and an additional one for Easter Hope
We have had some lovely phone calls and emails from some of you over the past week, Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
Do keep in touch with us and each other
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