On 6th December we told our church family that we have resigned. Our responsibilities will end on 31st December 2020.
With much prayer we have decided that this chapter of serving as your voluntary Church Leaders has drawn to a close and we have recently sent our resignation to the Synod in Taunton. Our decision has been prayerfully considered and thought through.
Over the last four years we have faithfully taught the gospel of Jesus, both on Sundays and through the Home Group. It has been a privilege and honour to serve as your Leaders.
Our last word to you all is:
"Keep Jesus at the centre of your lives: Its all about Jesus."
As we walk through each new day, facing whatever life throws at us, may this thought be in our hearts:
"The very One who died for us, and who was raised to life for us,is the presence of God with us. He is supporting, protecting, and guiding us through the peaks and troughs of each day.
Absolutely nothing can separate us from that love, who is God's gift to all who walk with, and serve Him daily in this world, His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord." (Romans 8:1-39)
We have received some amazing responses from local folk:
"You have done so much for our community."
"We will miss you"
"I write to tell you how sad I am that you are leaving Living Waters.Though I do not worship at your church,being a member of the local Anglican church,you have always made me feel most welcome at the events I have joined you for. It is because of your ministry that I have become a more confident Christian,being more prepared to share my faith with others,and to witness to it.I have so enjoyed the Wednesday morning multi denominational group,and have learnt a lot through it.Thank you Roger.I will miss it,as indeed I have since March this year. Your generosity in letting our choir practise in the hall for a nominal fee has been invaluable ,and given us a warm space to practise in for 2 years. I am grateful for the Alpha group,and I applaud your running of several more,and your comittment to helping individuals on a one to one basis,using Alpha. I am aware of several people in the village who have come to know Jesus through you,and that is a wonderful thing you have done for them. And who knows, Jacquey,what seeds you have sown in your street conversations with countless others over your time here. Your prayer walks,your quiet evening songs of praise,your Carol-singing on Late Night Shopping nights,and your increasingly well attended Christmas Carol services, have all been ways of reaching out to others in the community,including children,and facilitating shared multi denominational worship opportunities. From my perspective, Roger and Jacquey,your ministry here has been a blessing to me and to others,and I am truly sorry you are leaving."
"God is in control of the situation, we find it hard to see what is before us But our God knows, just trust (easy to say, but hard to do). The church, well that remains to see what the urc do. On a personal level well my wife and I served the Lord here for many years, and enjoyed it in the main, and it was a fruitful time. People found the Lord here that was what it was all about. God bless you and I assure you that each night I pray for you both. He's in charge."
"I am so sorry, and deeply saddened, that you are going to be leaving us. The service and dedication and help that you have given to our community has been incredible and I know you will be sadly missed by all of us. You have also, on a personal level helped me back into the church and for that I will always be grateful and forever in your debt. You have so much more to give and I pray that your future challenges are what you want. "
"Thanks for your news, and so sorry to hear you are leaving. Whatever else the past few months must have been really frustrating and tough. Thank you for all you've done over the past few years, and for your caring both inside and outside the Church Fellowship. You and they will be in our prayers for the future."
"Thanks for your email and the opportunity to be a small part of your life and ministry at Living Waters. I do hope that the next chapter starts and goes well for you. God bless you both for your faithfulness to Him."
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