So we have been reading and reflecting about who Jesus is for the last 19 weeks. Has this changed you? Has your perspective changed?
I know that my vision of who Jesus is has been enlarged, and I am better for it. I am certain that I can only preach Jesus, there is nothing and no one else I can preach about.
How about you?
I pray that we may each have been challenged, reflected and grown through this series.
My prayer is that we may be a people who can wholeheartedly say Amen.
May God have a people on this earth who are
of Christ,
through Christ, and
for Christ.
May we be people of the cross.
May we be a people consumed with an unvarnished vision of God’s eternal passion: to make Christ preeminent, supreme, and the head over all things visible and invisible.
May we be a people who have discovered the touch of the Almighty in the face of His glorious Son, Jesus.
May we be a people who wish to know only Christ, and Him crucified, and to let everything else fall by the wayside.
May we be a people who are
· searching His immeasurable depths,
· exploring His unfathomable heights,
· discovering His unsearchable riches,
· encountering His abundant life,
· receiving His infinite love, and
· making Him known to others.
Christians don’t follow Christianity; they follow Christ.
Christians don’t preach themselves; they proclaim Christ.
Christians don’t preach about Christ; they simply preach Christ.
Christians don’t point people to core values;
They point them to the incarnated,
reigning Lord –
Jesus of Nazareth, the King, the Messiah – the Christ beyond the tomb.
The following poem, written by Charles Wesley in 1739, and set to music by Felix Mendelssohn a century later, goes some way towards capturing the splendour of who Jesus is:
Hail the Heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings,
Risen with healing in His wings;
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the new-born king"
The glorious One, Jesus the Christ, is our Pursuit, our Passion and our Pleasure.
May He be so to you also.
This weeks worship playlist is available here: