02 April 2017

Rio de la Miel - River of Honey near Algeciras, Spain
March 13th 2017 

We went on a lovely walk to this beautiful area. The walk starts at 36.1177399 -5.4764904
which is on the Calle Maestra Maria Luisa. She was a school teacher between 1920- 1930.

We saw some great flowers. This one below is a Scrophularia trifoliata - a Figwort

This is the Tree Heather (Erica arborea), it grows to about 3 metres tall in Spain.

Gibraltar Flowers 2

This is a beautiful flower, and it's not an Iris. It is called a Barbary Nut (Gynandiris sisyrinchium). I found them in the flower beds at Europa Point. They are a small iris-like with a corm or swollen base of a stem (Iris plants have a bulb or tuberous rhizome). The flowers open about 2:30-3:00pm and for only the one day. 

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The Bird of Paradise plant (Sterlitzia reginae) ( a South African native) also grows in the conditions of Gibraltar. I have only seen it grown as an indoor plant in the UK. But it is growing in the front garden of my friends house.

Bird of Paradise plant (Sterlitzia reginae)

This lavender is a different variety - it is the Toothed Lavender (Lavandula dentata). It is a very common plant on the Rock of Gibraltar.

The seas off Europa Point were beautiful with quite a swell. This was quite calm compared to a couple of days later!!