Europa Point Lighthouse |
Europa Point Lighthouse 1879 |
Below is the view from down at the Cannon emplacement at Hardings Battery, looking North towards the Rock of Gibraltar. Just behind the fencing with the light coloured soil is Gibraltar's only cricket ground. In the mid distance you can see the Ibrahim al-ibrahim mosque while the University of Gibraltar is out of the picture further over on the left-hand side.
Looking North at Rock of Gibraltar from Europa Point |
We have seen some lovely flowers and birds.
Black Kite (Milvus migrans) |
This is a Black Kite (Milvus migrans) It has flown over from Morrocco and spends a bit of time hovering over Gibraltar before moving up in to Europe. More information can be found here.
Melancholy Toadflax (Linaria tristis) |
This beautiful flower is known as the Melancholy Toadflax (Linaria tristis), the leaves arequite bluish which suggests they can cope with a salty and/or dry climate. I found this one on the Eurpoa Road near the oil pipe line at Europa Point
Hottentot Fig (Carpobrotus edulis) |
This bright specimen is the Hottentot Fig (Carpobrotus edulis) agains this one was found at Europa point. It is so abundant and grows so very well that it is now considered a weed and an invasive species. The leaves are quite fleshy and succulent and the flower is just the perfect pink... ;)
Mediterranean Beach or Sea Daisy (Pallensis maritima) |
Shrine of Our Lady of Europe |
From our balcony we could see the Shrine of Our Lady of Europe which is a Roman Catholic church and the national shrine of Gibraltar, the air conditional units belong to the University.
Just above the oil pipe line there is a series of old caves, they look very old and not part of the military tunnels that exist. I didn't go and investigate this time,but maybe next time.