Well we are in August now, we have finished the Ignite course.
We have had an opportunity to work with a church in the South West. We have had meetings with the minister, whose projects we are on-board with, he wants to set up a food-bank, teach people to cook, encourage the local community and those with learning difficulties into worship. We have met some of the church stewards and they are keen for help and assistance. We have visited the town twice now. Roger has even applied for a job at the local University. We had coffee with the minister in a local coffee shop there and a lady who none of us knew handed us a piece of paper and written on it was Numbers 6:24-26, the priestly blessing. Everything looks good for going ahead. We have both resigned from our jobs, tenants lined up for our house, started looking for accommodation there.
Then yesterday I received a phone call from the minister to hear that the whole project has been pulled.
As you can imagine, we are shocked right now.
BUT God has a plan, a good and perfect plan for our lives, in that I do not doubt.
So we are waiting, contemplating, praying...