02 October 2014

Berry picking...

Yesterday Grace and I went berry picking, it was her first day outside after her operation so we took it slowly. 

We went down to the Oakley Beat on the River Test. Roger used to work here as a River Keeper for the National Trust Mottisfont.  

Looking towards the Oakley Hut  where Halford spent all his summers in the early 20th century until he hies in 1914.

Closer view of the River Test

One of the oaks on the river bank

The Mottisfont Oak, thought to be between 800 to 1000 years old!

Crocuses under the gate

Looking down stream towards Mottisfont

After looking around we drove up Back Lane and into the car park for a walk in the woods.  As we were walking we were looking and listening to the sounds of the wood... squirrels jumping from branch to branch... birds calling to one another... movement in the undergrowth, could have been Blackbirds foraging for worms and beetles... and then a larger group of rustling - we saw a herd of Deer run off to our right. 

We picked lots of berries - Hawthorne, Sloe, Blackberries and rose hips. 

I think I will make this Hawthorne Jelly recipe

Update on our adventures...

We have been and visited the town we were hoping to go to... no change at the moment. 

However we have gone and prayed in the church, and prayed with the Minister, who is feeling devastated at the moment. We will go for another visit in October and then November and see where that leads. 

I have finished the job I have held for seven years. I am glad to have finished and I am looking forward to some new challenges. 

 I eventually prayed for a  good job with the temporary agency my employers have and the day after I had prayed I was having some discussions with some senior managers who identified a problem which required someone with the knowledge I have for a short period of time to make some improvements. I offered myself and they have created a 3 month temporary job at my grade with the same day off I currently have...  God is good all the time.

I start on Tuesday 7th October and am looking forward to the new challenge while we wait for God's plans. 

This last week or two has been hard for both Roger and I...  we have been questioning what we have heard and is this opportunity right for us...  I have come to the conclusion that we mustn't listen to this.. The Lord has prepared our hearts and we feel called.... We must go in HIS timing. 

21 August 2014

... What has been happening?

Well we are in August now, we have finished the Ignite course. 

We have had an opportunity to work with a church in the South West. We have had meetings with the minister, whose projects we are on-board with, he wants to set up a food-bank, teach people to cook, encourage the local community and those with learning difficulties into worship. We have met some of the church stewards and they are keen for help and assistance. We have visited the town twice now. Roger has even applied for a job at the local University. We had coffee with the minister in a local coffee shop there and a lady who none of us knew handed us a piece of paper and written on it was Numbers 6:24-26, the priestly blessing. Everything looks good for going ahead. We have both resigned from our jobs, tenants lined up for our house, started looking for accommodation there. 

Then yesterday I received a phone call from the minister to hear that the whole project has been pulled. 

As you can imagine, we are shocked right now. 

BUT God has a plan, a good and perfect plan for our lives, in that I do not doubt. 

So we are waiting, contemplating, praying...

17 January 2014

.... Beginnings...

It has taken me ages to try and write on this page... both in deciding what to write as well as using Blogger again... !!

This year 2014 is going to be a pivotal year for us.

As you may or may not know, My husband and I are on a one year CHurch Leadership Course called Ignite.  If you want to know more about it, go an have a look over here Ignite New Community.

We are prepared to sell our house and move whereever the Lord calls us to. We don't know where this will be nor what it may be. BUT we do know we are called for His purposes. We also know that the "work" will be based on where our hearts are; so we love nature, living simply, trying to live a greener life and serving.

So come and watch the exciting journey through this year.